
How Do We Do Justice?


Sacred conversations held in every congregation to share our struggles and dreams as they relate to community problems. Every member votes on problems to be addressed.


Understand the problem, research potential solutions, and look for best practices

Nehemiah Action

A “great assembly” (Nehemiah 5) to hold officials accountable for solving the most serious problems plaguing our community.


Follow up to make sure that officials do what they say they will do and collect data to monitor the implementation of the solution.

Annual Meetings

Community Problems Assembly

SURE’s first large gathering of the year. At this meeting we listen to stories from House Meetings and prepare to address issues in our community. Our Network Members vote on what issues they want to address and commit to the work ahead of us.


SURE’s Rally is a time for Research Committees to report what they discovered in dozens of meetings throughout the year. It is also a time for us to organize for a successful Nehemiah Action.

Nehemiah Action

SURE’s Nehemiah Action is unlike any other gathering in Sarasota. 1000 people of faith gather to press local officials to solve the most serious problems plaguing our community.

Justice Ministry Celebration

SURE’s annual gathering so Network Members can celebrate our work and invest in the organization.